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- By Appointment Only
We have all struggled with a problem or scenario at some point in our life, and there is no shame in asking for help. In fact, it is in asking for help that you improve and grow. As a depression counselor in Charlotte, NC, I have had much experience in helping people not just work through problems, but learn the techniques to help them identify the potential problems before they occur. I believe that problems are opportunities for growth, and as such, I work with each person on an individual level, as a couple, or as a family – depending on the situation being faced.
Through depression counseling, psychotherapy, meditating techniques and other approaches, I have been able to help others find their balance and learn how to better prioritize their responsibilities so there is more time to relax and unwind. Consequently, by taking a preemptive approach to learning how to prevail when trouble occurs, you can be a stronger person, and build healthier relationships with those around you.
As a depression counselor in Charlotte, NC, I am invested in making the present and future of those who live in Mecklenburg County brighter and stronger. It may be through individual counseling to help you better accept your past, embrace your present and build for the future, or with adolescent counseling to provide your teen with the tools they need to put their focus and energy into discovering who they are as person and begin seeking what the future holds. In other relationship scenarios, my desire is to help those recovering from the hurt of infidelity and picking up the pieces to move forward, while couple counseling is often focused on building a relationship built on trust, respect, open communication, and love.
But regardless of why one schedules an appointment, the important thing is that you get help and guidance. You can do that by filling out the contact form below or by calling 704-364-4333 ext. 159.
421-B South Sharon Amity Road
Charlotte NC 28211
P: 704 706-3264